Synopsis: "I do not know if I found my gift to me or I him. My gift ... It's hard to explain. How I learned to use it is even more strange to report. How They ended up working for, I think also is not easy to explain. But I tell you. There are things, little details, which form part of ourselves and makes us who we are. and the gift was something that defined me. utilizasse Although very little. it made I feel more alive. If you were to use the gift when I saw the girl in Spanish might not have felt the same way about her. what I felt was primary was very authentic. How many could have missed it without knowing? the human being is magical and indescribable. felt something special to remember it again. that trust must not occur between strangers but that sometimes exists and is more intense than that felt by someone who is part of our environment for over twenty years. it had not noticed my presence, had not felt that my eyes had not been away from her even for a moment "
Opinion: This was the first novel I read the Spanish writer Albert Espinosa, and I must confess that conquered me completely, and the proof is that was read in about two hours.
It is a novel that presents a simple and seductive writing, where the normal and unlikely blend.
A story where the day-to-day is confused with alien beings from other planets, the possibility to resign the time to sleep, where the day may have even 24 hours without ever stopping, a day without end, and where the theory of life after death shows that love can last after death. Since this is one of the main messages to be drawn from the whole story.
Also another point to consider, is the discrimination of the difference and attempt to neutralize than not know and can not understand.
A captivating story with an unexpected and surprising end. A reading not to be missed, if this was not one of the greatest literary achievements of Spanish recent years, with over half a million books sold, translated into more than twenty countries.
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